Presence ~ Aries/Scorpio

Presence ~ Aries/Scorpio


I’ve been creating these candles since 2020. They came out of a deep desire to put something loving and positive out into the world, when things seem so dark. May the love of these candles fill the space you bring them into

Large is approx. 14 ounces with a burn time of approx. 55 hours

Bowl candle is approx. 2”x4” and is double wicked. The burn time is approx. 50 hours


April affirmation is PRESENCE

We won’t be able to change anything if we stay zoned out disconnected or dissociated. The only change that will come-will come with PRESENCE. With being awake, with being aware, with taking action, and being in the moment awake in our communities.
The only way out is through. Stay present with the feelings. Stay present with the emotions. Stay present with the rage and the fury and the cry for change ~ this presence is where the magic happens 💗

Thrown under the new moon: ARIES

Poured under the full moon: SCORPIO


Green Aventurine ~ declutters energy field, esp. around the heart chakra. 

Heals old emotional wounds while opening us up to receive more love. Stabilizing and grounding. Calls in love, abundance and prosperity.

Scented with essential oils

This month is ROSEMARY

Rosemary Embodies purification, protection, remembrance, and spiritual self-discovery. Reduces stress levels and aids in focus and mental clarity. It also helps with emotional upset, nervous tension, and insomnia. It opens the heart chakra and encourages bodily and mental health.


Want a discount on your candle? Subscribe to receive a discount and get your candle reserved and shipped to your door every month or every other month. CLICK HERE

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