
Each piece is lovingly made and hand thrown one at a time by Aby in SE Portland.

All pieces are hand thrown, with individual design work done on each piece; making each a unique functional work of art.

Aby has been working with clay for the last 16 years.

August Moon Candle ~ Be Brave

August Moon Candle ~ Be Brave

New moon in Leo
Full moon in Pisces

Affirmation : Be Brave ~ Your life path and your heart are calling you ~ will you answer? In this ever changing world one of the most powerful things we can be is BRAVE. Brave enough to leave, to stay, to remove yourself from a bad situation, to move towards something or someone you love. Your heart is calling ~ are you going to answer?

Scent ~ Ho wood & geranium

Ho wood: break unhealthy emotional patterns that cause one to hold on to dissatisfying situations. courage to help face change and dare leaping into the unknown.

Geranium rose : Calming. Excellent for meditation. release emotions, reconnect with the joy of life

Topped with Rutilated Quartz: an illuminator for the soul, encourages spiritual growth. cleanses and energises the aura. Draws off negative energy

September Moon Candle ~ Grounded

September Moon Candle ~ Grounded

A note on moon candles for the summer